Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weslaco East High School Art Students Shine

Under the tutelage of art teacher Gisela Garza, Weslaco East High School students produced the best student artwork entered into the "Hispanic Heritage Student Art Contest."  I selected several entries for this site, two of which were awarded prizes:

Best in Show - Stacey Rivera
Honorable Mention - Crystal Mendoza

These students seem to be grasping the important elements of design they need to be successful artists.
The contest is sponsored by the RGV Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Charles Criner at IMAS until March 20, 2011

Catching Freedom
Charles Criner

Look at the top edge of this painting and see the tiny figures marching single file into the fire of pain that was slavery.  Beams of orange light intersect above the rows of shacks.  Workers move about in the cotton fields.  One of the beams extends down the picture plane, intersecting with another beam of light just above the woman's head. In the foreground, a golden sphere illuminates her.  She reaches for it--and her large hands are just about to envelope it.   

You'll enjoy interpreting Charles Criner's narrative imagery.  You'll find that many of the stories unfold in small details around larger focal images like the above painting.